Info Gamers Playstation Now In Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2014
Consumer Electronics Show 2014 (CES 2014) really brought a lot of good news for gamers. If yesterday through the CES 2014 Valve announced Steam Machine models mainstay to be released, then today the turn of Sony that provides unexpected news is very encouraging.
Through this service PS4 users will be able to play games PS1, PS2, PS3 and with their PS4 by streaming. In the Sony presentation being held at the CES 2014, Sony announced a service called the PlayStation Now. Basically, this service is a service that backward compatibility was previously announced for the PS4, but through CES 2014 Sony announced that this service is also available for PS Vita, PS3, and other hardware that is not even a gaming console
Info Gamers Playstation Now In Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2014
In the this presentation Andrew House as President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment announced PlayStation Now that the service will be used in various types of Sony Bravia TV (without the need to use the console), tablets, and smartphones. Even so, the main target of this Now remains PS4 PlayStation and PS Vita, so another version may be available periodic.
Andrew House also promises the service will provide different types of games for Sony consoles were released in the previous generation, including AAA titles such as The Last super of Us and Beyond: Two Souls. Sony plans to launch a closed beta version of this service by the end of January 2014 in the United States, and launched the full version to market in the U.S. in the summer of this year. Later players to enjoy this service must participate in the subscription package that has not announced details.
Title : Info Gamers Playstation Now In Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2014
Description : Info Gamers Playstation Now In Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2014 Consumer Electronics Show 2014 (CES 2014) really brought a lot of ...